Monday, November 14, 2005

What is Wrong with My Blog?

Does anyone know why my template all of a sudden decide to shift my right column down a mile?

Does anyone know how to fix it?


Fishfrog said...

That happened to me once and all I had to do was republish.

Kathryn Thompson said...

It's because something on your blog is too wide. It happens to me if pictures are too wide. With you, for some reason, that link didn't wrap. Maybe try making the font smaller on that link. You can put the html tags around it that say small and then /small after.

Matt said...

Try editing your angioplasty article.
1-Select and cut (c-x) your link
2-type a word or phrase, like "cool link"
3-select that word with the mouse, but don't copy it
4-click the little globe with a chain icon
5-paste (cv) into that box. It should paste "http://..."
6-ok, Republish.

Squishy Burrito said...

Thank you! Thank you! I decided to just cut out the post completely. You snooze, you lose on Squishy's blog. But now I know for the future. Stupid technology!