Thursday, November 27, 2008


I'm not so impressed with Black Friday deals. Maybe its because we don't need anything. I've been looking at ads for hours and hours now and I just can't really plot it out. I don't want to do it. And finally I realized we don't need anything. For this I am thankful. We are good. We have everything we need. I keep looking at ads and saying "that's not a bad deal, but we don't need that." What a great thanksgiving blessing. I have an awesome family. We have our health (pretty much). We have a job. We have! What a great blessing.

On the other hand, we do really want an elliptical machine and I'm slightly frustrated at trying to find a good deal on one of those. The kind of deal that gives us a really great machine that won't chop off our children's fingers, be super, uber loud and creaky, hold up Cster, but not cost the total of a gym membership for 4 years for both Cster and me. Is that too much to ask? Apparently so.

1 comment:

mav said...

I'm kind of glad to hear you didn't go out there... did you read about the poor Walmart employee who got trampled to death by a crazy Black Friday mob?

People disgust me. Big time.

Stay home and order your elliptical online. It is safer there.