Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Oh My...Part 2

Today Mster woke up and immediately asked for her heels. Then she found a "purse"* and she was all ready to go. We were off to the grocery store and she asked to wear a dress too. So she had on a dress, heels, and a purse while shopping. I wondered if people at the store thought I had dressed her myself.

While I was getting ready (read, taking a shower) I thought Mster was tucked away snuggly in front of the TV watching Sesame Street. I mean we did have a big farewell which included an explanation of where Mommy was going and big hugs and kisses. But, no sooner had the water turned on when I heard Mster at the door talking to me and knocking. The knocking grew much louder and I couldn't figure out what she was using to make the noise. I finally opened the door to find the culprit.

Mster had taken off her shoe and was pounding it on the door. One would think that when I opened it I would see some major catastrophe which caused the need for incessant pounding but all Mster said to me was "Mama, my shoe fell off".

So finally shopping was done and groceries were being put away. I was a little worried that Mster would find some of the special treats that I had picked up for Cster and I so I was trying to put them away fast. I don't know why I needed to worry. I asked Mster what she wanted for lunch, turned around and saw her in this predicament.

In case you can't tell my cropping job, she's eating broccoli. She found the package, opened it up, sat at her table and began munching away.

*her purse is a Easter Egg basket. I had to convince her that the only way she could take the purse shopping was if she emptied out the eggs. It was definately a hot struggle until I told her she could carry the keys and her drink in the purse instead. Oh the delight and glee of an almost 2 year old.

1 comment:

Ortensia Norton said...

Just you wait. Milly wore nothing but dresses for over 3-4 months. I got her back into pants by buying a skort. She is very lady like by the way.