Squishy Burrito? What?!? So, I was walking the streets of Denver with a good friend, and a boy (later to be known as Cster). I decide we should eat. "What do you feel like?" my good friend ask me. "A squishy burrito" answers Cster squishing my muscleless arm. Jump forward a few years. The good friend is now my sister-in-law and Cster and I enjoy the mountains walking to our mailbox with our 4 children Mster, Lster and Kster, and Nikster.
Friday, June 30, 2006
Happy Birthday Cake
Mster's Channeling her Mexican Elvis
Today Mster would not stop singing a mexican song. I can't remember the name of it but its a traditional one that has a lot of "eye yie yie yies" in it. Its hilarious.
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Its all in your attitude...
And now onto the regularly scheduled Mster blog programming. On the way home from the grocery store this was the conversation that ensued. I didn't tape it so its obviously not word for word but I've tried to at least capture that annoyance/cuteness of it all.
Mster: my juice is hot. hot. hot. no warm. warm juice. hot car seat. warm juice. hot, no warm. warm juice. where daddy go. where daddy go. my have sour cream. sour cream. my have mommy's pretty* mama. my have mama's pretty.
Me: no, you can't have my pretty
Me: no, I need it.
Mster: no MY have mama's pretty (whining)
Me: Mster, you have your own pretty. you don't need mine.
Mster: My have purple pretty.
Me: actually its a prink pretty.
Mster: no WHITE pretty.
Me: okay
Mster: no PINK pretty.
Me: okay
Mster: where daddy go. where green light. watch out car coming. watch out. watch out. watch out. where golf go. where golf go. FOUR. four, people four. where golfing go? four golf. my go to park? park mama, park.
Me: no Mster. We are going home to put away the groceries, have lunch and take a nap.
Mster: my have sourcream?
*pretty = hair elastics
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Treat time
We were talking about it again when she woke up from her nap when all of a sudden she got VERY excited and told me that there would be treats (not previously mentioned) and that she was going to have one at their house.
I say this with no pressure to Panda and Warm Fuzzy to actually have treats. Mster also informed me that she would be sleeping in a yellow crib and not a green crib and I will not be running out this afternoon to fulfill her colour request. :)
Monday, June 26, 2006
Who knew Stuffed Animals were such Voyers?
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Stop and smell the roses
Its started already...
Only 14 years to go...
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Oh My...Part 2

While I was getting ready (read, taking a shower) I thought Mster was tucked away snuggly in front of the TV watching Sesame Street. I mean we did have a big farewell which included an explanation of where Mommy was going and big hugs and kisses. But, no sooner had the water turned on when I heard Mster at the door talking to me and knocking. The knocking grew much louder and I couldn't figure out what she was using to make the noise. I finally opened the door to find the culprit.
Mster had taken off her shoe and was pounding it on the door. One would think that when I opened it I would see some major catastrophe which caused the need for incessant pounding but all Mster said to me was "Mama, my shoe fell off".
So finally shopping was done and groceries were being put away. I was a little worried that Mster would find some of the special treats that I had picked up for Cster and I so I was trying to put them away fast. I don't know why I needed to worry. I asked Mster what she wanted for lunch, turned around and saw her in this predicament.
In case you can't tell my cropping job, she's eating broccoli. She found the package, opened it up, sat at her table and began munching away.
*her purse is a Easter Egg basket. I had to convince her that the only way she could take the purse shopping was if she emptied out the eggs. It was definately a hot struggle until I told her she could carry the keys and her drink in the purse instead. Oh the delight and glee of an almost 2 year old.
Monday, June 12, 2006
Oh My

I had picked out the shirt with another pair of pants. BUT Mster insisted on wearing the matching pants and then insisted on wearing her fancy shoes. Notice the high heels. She wore the shoes all morning.
Saturday, June 10, 2006
The power of imitation
This morning Mster has started demanding our attention by repeatedly saying "look me" and then telling us something.
Friday, June 09, 2006
Sorry Mster, you can't reach everything
After months of begging and pleading Mster finally has a pool. When I went originally to get her one they were all sold out and her request has been daily ever since. Our neighbour informed me yesterday that the store had ordered more and gotten them in. (very informative that a 3 year old knows the stocking situation of a major department store) So, today I took a chance and went and I'm sure Mster is now dreaming sweet dreams of splashing and swimming in her orange beast. Everybody's welcome to ditch work and school and whatever else is important to them to take a dip*.
*Unless you are under 3 feet, "take a dip" means put your feet in. :)
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
What kind of mother am I?
Sven has been confirmed to be appropriately gender named. All "boy parts" (the technical term the doctor used) were accounted for.