Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Bone Hoses and Green Horses

Mster: What colour is the hose in my body?
Me: Uh...I don't know...What colour is the hose in your body?
Mster: pink...and purple...with Dora and Boots on it.
Me: Really?
Mster: Yep
Me: What does the hose do?
Mster: It waters my bones.
Me: Do you have any other hoses?
Mster: Nope, just that one.

Mster: What colour of horse do you like Mommy?
Me: I like brown horses.
Mster: What colour of horse do you like Lster?
Me: What did he say?
Mster: He said 'green'.
Me: Wow...have you ever seen a green horse? I don;t think I've seen one before.
Mster: Yes, when I was in California. Not when I was in Calgary. I was only a wee tiny baby and I didn't see a green horse there.

1 comment:

Scarlet Panda said...

That is awesome. Keep these coming. :)