Squishy Burrito? What?!? So, I was walking the streets of Denver with a good friend, and a boy (later to be known as Cster). I decide we should eat. "What do you feel like?" my good friend ask me. "A squishy burrito" answers Cster squishing my muscleless arm. Jump forward a few years. The good friend is now my sister-in-law and Cster and I enjoy the mountains walking to our mailbox with our 4 children Mster, Lster and Kster, and Nikster.
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Telling it like it is
Cster: What's Daddy going to do when he gets home?
Mster: Take a shower.
Cster: That's right. Daddy is stinky.
Mster: Daddy smell poopy.
On a non Mster note - Cster and I were watching tv last night when a commercial for a man who could train us and help us get a license for a concealed weapon came on the air. This was his slogan: Concealed weapons mean less crime.
Friday, July 21, 2006
Happy Birthday to You!!
(pictures of cake to come soon)
*do you think she knows her blog name?
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Birthday Cake Party
And because I feel we need a little reminiscing. Here is the cake from last year:

Fun Game
Mster stands in the corner facing the wall.
I say "Where's Mster?"
She replies "There she is"
I hold out my arms
Mster runs over and gives me a big hug and a kiss
This must be done in exactly this order. Arms can not go out before she says "there she is". don't even try it.
Monday, July 17, 2006
Sunday, July 16, 2006
The truth will set you free
Here are some good ones of late:
1) I'm spitting
2) I'm down (after repeatedly being told she couldn't get down from the table)
3) I'm touching the barbecue
4) I have daddy's phone
5) I'm touching the computer
I know there will be a time when I am not so lucky in her revealing her misbehaviour.
On another note Mster has found her nipples. After every bath she looks in the mirror points to her chest with her two little fingers and yells "LOOK my have 2 nipples". I know she's doing it for a response and I have to admit I give her what she wants everytime. Who couldn't laugh at that?
Friday, July 14, 2006
Quirks of our Morning
We had to do some errands today and I just found some things quite odd or quirky. 1st was the post office that had a certified letter waiting for me (or so I thought). I've never been to my actual designated post office before and had no clue where it was. I'd like to say directions and maps are one thing I'm not too bad at so when the internet went down this morning I pulled out my trusty map and attempted to locate the address. Hmm...maybe mapquest has numbed my abilities but there were 3 streets with the same name in 3 different quadrants with no way of figuring out which was the right one (and Mster dancing on the spread out map on the floor, albeit a cute distraction, still a distraction). I finally succombed to calling the post office to ask for directions and got no answer. No automated person telling me to press 1 for English, nothing. What was an internet free girl to do? If you guessed go try the internet to see if it was up again, you're right. Mapquest did not fail me this time and we were off.
At the post office I was slightly amused by the HUGE mural on the wall. You see this post office is in a lower income neighbourhood. There were windows blocking me from jumping over the counter and attacking my post office employee (not something I've seen at any of the other post offices I've gone to). And yet, the mural depicted a very not lower class suburb of our metro area in the 1800's. Parasoled ladies being helped into horse drawn carriages by top hatted men on beautifully manicured lawns. Not one non-white person in the mural. Very interesting difference to the actual neighbourhood that was not filled with horse drawn carriages, well manicured lawns, but instead filled with boarded up houses and businesses and streets and sidewalks filled with gravel.
After leaving the post office empty handed (if you don't count Mster's sticky hands) as apparently the post office doesn't have my certified letter (although I am quite confident that the lady behind the metal and glass filled windows who wrote a small post it note to remind herself to go look again for hte letter and give it to my postman will indeed do so and I'll get my letter shortly) we headed to the Birthday Cake Store known to the rest of the world as Dollars R Us. Mster is still VERY excited by anything birthday related and calls everything birthday related birthday cake. There is: Happy Birthday Cake Birthday cake hats Birthday cake balloons Birthday cake cards Birthday cake party I think you get the idea. On the way Mster got a bit impatient and started repeating over and over again "Birthday Cake store, where are you, oh birthday cake store". I could not muffle a laugh when she enthusiastically pointed out her window and yelled "there you are birthday cake store". It was the most ghetto liquor store I have ever seen.
We finally made it to Dollar Store Mania and I promised Mster she could walk around the store herself and not ride in a cart. At this point I would like to apologize to everybody for not bringing my camera because Mster immediately found a floppy hat and Dora umbrella and proceeded to wear both and walk around the store in similar fashion to the parasol filled mural we saw at our previous location. I almost died laughing. Finally "birthday cake" items were purchased and we bid a tearful farewell to the hat and umbrella and made it home.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
I will NOT panic...the Update
Better in the sense that they painted the entire bathroom and not just the corner where the hole was. Considering we had mold growing up by the ceiling that was a pretty positive improvement.
Not better is that I use the word entire rather loosely in that no tape was used in the painting so instead of using paintbrushes to do the finer edges they just stopped the rollers early.
Not better is that its the same ugly offwhite colour that is our entire house.
Not better in that we had to throw out a lot of stuff that was in the bathroom like toothbrushes and other toiletries.
Better that they did attempt to clean up.
Not better that we still had to scrub plaster peices and dust after they left.
But they left and its done and I promise to return to regular scheduled Mster cute stuff in future posts.
I will NOT panic!!!

Saturday, July 08, 2006
We've reached THAT time...
1. When you leave your house to go to a movie and come home to find your daughter awake and a bit scared that you're not there and Cster tells her you went to see Big Bird at the movies (the big tv) and for the next 3 nights she will not go to sleep for fear that you will leave her to go see Big Bird.
2. When Cster tells you to "shut up" and Mster immediately repeats it while looking right at you. (He was joking! We all know he's a great person)
3. When Cster is on the phone with family and tells them that we've found out things are good with Sven and that he has 10 fingers and 10 toes and I jump in (thinking I'm funny) and say "and a P-n-s*" and Mster repeats it over and over and over again.
We've entered a new era in our household. I'm not quite sure we're ready for it.
* I do not want my site to come up on a search engine because I used that appropriate word for male genit--ia :)