Thursday, May 11, 2006


1st thing is that my garden rocks. Everything is growing. Life is good. Mster is super excited about our garden and all our indoor experiments too. Every morning I wake up and she informs me that we must go "water plant". It might be raining outside but those plants need watering. It may have just rained for 36 hours straight but why are we not outside right at this very moment to "water plant".

2nd thing is Mster's obsession with performing tasks. There are certain "jobs" that I have let Mster do once that she now claims to be hers and if I perform these tasks I must face her rath*. The latest is the laundry. I let her put the soap in once and now she demands soap everytime. Dont' even bother explaining that you don't need soap to just put clothes into the dryer. We are doing laundry and adding soap is a part of laundry and Mster is going to put soap in the washing machine.

Silly silly girl.

*Her rath being a very pitiful face covered in her hands as she hurls herself at the couch and wimpers.

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