I joined a gym a few months ago. I never thought I would but I really liked my free trial week and now I really like working out there in general.
The gym this week was offering a free trial Boot Camp Week. 3 days of Boot Camp. I signed up with some friends. Tuesday I had company so I could go and Thursday the instruction dropped his motorcycle on his hand and was at the hospital so I was left with my one and only class today.
We started our warm-up with inch worms, superman push-ups and group push-ups. Then we moved into the stations section. Stations were 5 minutes each with 1 minute rest. 5 minutes doesn't seem like a long time but they were the longest 5 minute sections of my life.
1. Lift a pallet over your head (with a partner) and do squats
2. Plank walk while flipping over a 45lb weight (they let me have a 35lb weight so I could actually do it)
3. Rope shaking in plank position
4. Pallet row lifts (with partner)
5 Carry a big tire (with partner) down the road and back
6 Run with Sandbags
Then our group of 6 people flipped a 500lb tire across the lot.
Then we climbed 26 steps and on each step we had to do full range calf raises for whatever number of step it was. So, step 1, 1 calf raise. Step 2, 2 calf raises.
And then we were done.
Squishy Burrito? What?!? So, I was walking the streets of Denver with a good friend, and a boy (later to be known as Cster). I decide we should eat. "What do you feel like?" my good friend ask me. "A squishy burrito" answers Cster squishing my muscleless arm. Jump forward a few years. The good friend is now my sister-in-law and Cster and I enjoy the mountains walking to our mailbox with our 4 children Mster, Lster and Kster, and Nikster.