Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Interactive Wednesday - Suspended

I'm sorry Interactive Wednesday but you are suspended. You didn't do anything wrong. You are a wonderful addition to my wednesdays and please know its not you, its me. I'm just kind of busy now and I have another cold and my idea for today involves getting out of this chair and going into the kitchen and my poor body just can't do it today. And so you will be suspended until the wednesday after thanksgiving where we will review the situation before re-initiating your comeback.

I am ever so sorry to Fishfrog who changed Tax Wedneday to Tax Tuesday just for me. I promise it was not in vain.


Kathryn Thompson said...

Feel better!

Anonymous said...

Cold remedies. Lots of hot liquids, hot chicken soup, hot bath, hot lemonade, warm blankets and bedrest. Not necessarily in that order.

Who else has good remedies. We can make this interactive if we try.