Monday, November 07, 2005

Goodbye Diapers!

Today Mster and I got rid of all her old diapers. (not dirty, but old diapers) We had a big farewell party with Mster waving madly to her old chums and repeatedly telling them bye.

Don't go thinking we're into potty training already. Its not that big a day. Today Mster moved up to size 4 diapers and we were bidding a grand farewell to the size 3. You see for the past few weeks we've been noticing a lot of plumbing* going on around the house and I knew it wasn't my diapering abilities this time and finally just realized they were too small for her.

So off we went to purchase bigger diapers. (a big conspiracy is that the bigger the diaper you get the less diapers you get in the container) and now Mster is decent.

*plumbing: from the Cster's dictionary, "to plumb". To show one's butt crack while bending over.


bon said...

congratulations on the deplumbification if Mster! By the by, I did take the liberty of linking to your Tall Man post... it was just too much fun!

Squishy Burrito said...

link away my friends. link away.

Anonymous said...

Glad I didn't buy any yet. I must admit my definition of Plumbing was a little more fluid than that. Plumbing always leaks you know. Use your imagination. Glad the Cyster clarified the definition.