Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Because I said so...

Kster is entering the "why?" phase. Every time I tell him something he asks, "why?". At first, I tried to explain it to him but he would always respond with "why?" or "why, mom?". I realize this is part of his learning process. He's trying to engage me in conversation. For Mster it was "where?" She would ask all of her questions in the "where" format.

But there is no end to the conversation and nothing I say will suffice his questioning so after a few attempts I always end with..."because I said so" to which he replies, "otay mom" and we can move on.


Also involving Kster is our over-abundance of soccer. Mster and Kster play games 2 times a week on different nights. Its a lot of fun and they seem to love it but Kster is in the pit of despair. He used to take a soccer class in the day. It was a parent/child class which he refused to let me participate. He would tell me that it was HIS soccer class and that I could watch him from the chairs. So, I did. I watched all the kids with their moms coaxing their children to score goals and kick the ball. Kster, ran past them all and followed his coaches instructions beautifully. He REALLY, REALLY, likes soccer. But, the soccer session ended and the next session happened to be over spring break, and was still not finished when school was let out for the summer and I'd probably have a baby sometime in there too. He would miss so many classes and the logistics of getting him to soccer amidst all the future family chaos was just not worth the pricey soccer fee. I promised we would sign him up again in the fall when the kids were back in school. Unfortunately, delayed gratification is just too hard a concept for a 2 year old to understand. All he sees is his brother and sister playing soccer 4 days a week and he plays none and its become a daily tragedy. Every day, he tells me he wants to go to soccer. Every day he asks me to drive him to soccer. And unfortunately, "because, I said so..." just isn't cutting it for this big "Why?".

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