Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Birthday Cake Party

Yes its another post about Birthday Cake. Yes I feel it should be capitalized. For the amount of time I spend everyday discussing this topic with Mster you should all be grateful all the posts aren't about Birthday Cake. We've been trying to come up with a good birthday cake idea since we are having an entire 1 hour open house party centered entirely around cake and ice cream. I can't come up with anything. I ask Mster what she wants on her cake and she says "birthday cake" and I ask her what she wants on her birthday cake and she looks at me like I've asked her to write a dissertation on Marxism. Erg.

And because I feel we need a little reminiscing. Here is the cake from last year:


Amanda G. said...

you should put a birthday cake on her birthday cake.

Kathryn Thompson said...

Maybe a pyramid of cupcakes birthday cake?

Squishy Burrito said...

both good ideas and ones I considered. You'll have to wait patiently for the pictures.