Thursday, August 30, 2012

Some Pinterest Fun...

I like Pinterest. Just like anything, you have to find the good but generally, I enjoy all the ideas that people have tried and liked.

Here are some of my pinterest recipe finds that I have actually TRIED and LIKED!

Pad Thai

pad thai
(picture from browniesfordinner blog)

Greek Salad Dressing

(pic from cookingoncloverlane)

Rub For Whole Chicken in Crockpot

Strawberry Muffins

Strawberry Shortcake Muffins
(picture from

Marshmellow Fluff

Smoothie Packs (so helpful) I also you the fruit/yogurt packs to mix with my steel cut oats

(pic from laceyinloveblog)

Friday, August 17, 2012

Birthday Boy

We have had a week of 3 yr old Birthday Fun! 

The fun started at Grandma and Grandpas house.

Then we had a friend party. We called it the Kster Olympics. There was long jump and hockey shot and shotput. And there was even a special Olympic water balloon event where the kids tried to get rid of the chalk target on our fence by throwing balloons.

We arrived late the night before the party. Plan A was to make a blue cake (birthday boy request). The cake was a bust. Plan B was to make cupcakes. I overfilled the cupcakes. I was done. So off we went in the early morning to go buy donuts. 

Hurray for Plan C.

Then it was Ksters actual birthday. We started off with Chocolate Chip Pancakes.

Dropped the kids off at school, played a little Wii and headed up to go ride the horse. I love this horse. It costs a penny. A PENNY! He was so excited. 

Then off to get his birthday balloon from the dollar store (he's a cheap birthday boy) and then to Dad's office where he requested we bring ham sandwiches (we told him he could have ANYTHING he wanted) and then didn't eat anything. 

The night ended with more cake! He wanted a baseball cake.
This was the best I could do. 

Happy Birthday Big Boy!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012