Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Ricotta Cheese in Cookies

After my yogurt success, I decided to try my hand at making cheese. And so, a few weeks ago I made some ricotta cheese with a friend of mine. I was thinking pasta and she was thinking dessert. Turned out she used her half in pasta and I found this delectable recipe to make a dessert. The result...delicious.

I was told by more than one person that they tasted like donuts.

I followed the recipe for the cookies but halved the glaze, omitting the shortening and adding way more lemon (extract and real juice) than asked for.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Summer Days

Today, when the sun isn't shining, the wind is gusting and the rain comes off and on, I bring you summer fun from last week.

 The kids love their water pistols.

I was surprized how much he loved the sprinkler.

Goggles are a must in a water fight with the neighborhood kids.

I love this picture.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Leftovers and What's on Sale

This plate of leftovers is to just prove that you can make yummy, healthy food, on a budget. Everything on this plate I purchased on sale.

1. Lettuce (green leaf lettuce) - $.49 a bunch

2. Peach Salsa - This was my last minute concoction tonight when at 4:55pm I realized I had no side prepared.

peaches - $.69/lb
roma tomatoes/tomatillos/jalapenos - all roughly $.50/lb
green onions - $.50/bunch
lime - $.06each
avocado - $.33each

3. Chicken - I got an amazing deal on chicken a few weeks ago and marinated it, then grilled a ton of it on Monday to use as dinner and then leftovers during the week.

So...grilled chicken, with peach salsa, salad, all made with leftovers and all made with grocery items (that were not processed) that I got on sale.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Mster lost another tooth.

After many poses to get the perfect shot, Kster decided it was his turn for a picture and posed.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Because I can...

After my excited from making yogurt died down, (who am I kidding, I'm still very excited) I decided to try making cheese. A friend and I embarked on this new journey together and within an hour or so...RICOTTA CHEESE!!!

And now I'm making bread with the leftover whey.

Oh the things that I now deem "fun". :)

Monday, June 06, 2011

Summer Hair Cut

She wanted it EVEN shorter.

Friday, June 03, 2011

Mama's Taking Us to the Zoo Tomorrow

In the wind machine.

I love happy, smiling kids.

The kids were so brave. hahaha

Pet a Wallaby, get a free ticket to the train. Yes, please.

I couldn't believe he wanted his face painted.

Such a great group of kids.

Poor guy. He's ready to be BIG!!

The zoo tired me out too.
(note the missing shoe. This kid takes off his shoes the moment he gets in his car seat. And even in his sleep, this kid took off his shoe)

Homemade Yogurt

After our green chile experiment, I've been pouring over canning books lately.

My kids LOVE yogurt and, if I let them, would eat it for every meal. But I have to set limits. Just like I have to set limits for berries (which they eat like candy). So, I decided to try homemade yogurt. After researching the process extensively, I made the final decision when:

a) I found a recipe for homemade frozen lime yogurt that looked amazing and that used the homemade yogurt recipe also found in the book.
b) When I was out shopping with a friend we happened to come across a candy thermometer on clearance for $2. It was definately a sign.

And so last night I took the plunge of fermenting dairy. Preparing the yogurt took less than 20 minutes (and will take even less time next time as I know what I'm doing. While I was sleeping the magic began and this morning I woke up to 2 jars of yogurt. Real yogurt!! So easy and it yogurt! Can you gather that I'm still slightly shocked that it worked?

So, now I'm just waiting for my cheese cloth to arrive in the mail to make my frozen yogurt. Yummy.